I was six. I lived in New York City. I went to Epiphany Catholic School. And, I didn't have a lot of money. My parents sacrificed dearly to put me through private schools my entire schooling career. They stood in line for government cheese when necessary. We shopped at Good Will. In NYC, they walked just about everywhere they could so they wouldn't use extra money on transportation. And I loved them for it. But, one day, the cute little eraser in the corner store caught my eye. It cost 5¢. I knew better. It wasn't a necessity. But the mean girls at school had tons of new ones and I didn't have any. So I swiped it. I'm a thief. My prize wasn't mine for long, though. Those mean girls at school - Brina and Patty - swiped it right back from me. I was showing it to my best friend, Vanessa, and they saw me. They came over to and started making fun of me and asking how I got it...
Ever feel like no one is listening? I'm right there with ya! So here I am writing down those thoughts that sometimes go unheard. Let me know your thoughts! I'm a great listener!