I meant to write this on Friday. Things got in the way, yet I'm back because the same thoughts are rolling around in my head. Must need to release them. (UPDATE: Just as I was about to publish this, an urgent medical issue arose in my family. God knew the landscape was about to shift some. For now, pray with us, please.) Friday our area was preparing for the first winter storm of the year and really the only second one this winter. It's been an unusually mild winter to which I haven't been too upset about since it has allowed me to keep my beloved flip flops securely on my feet! Lucas and I were bummed we didn't get snow on Christmas, but other than that, this weather has been just fine with me! Back to the storm... Driving to work that morning, it was a beautiful, sunny day. I don't recall the telltale thick white clouds that looked to be full of ice and snow waiting to be poked by God and fall down on us. The skies were blue ...
Ever feel like no one is listening? I'm right there with ya! So here I am writing down those thoughts that sometimes go unheard. Let me know your thoughts! I'm a great listener!