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Showing posts from May, 2020

Ah, the age of opinions!

Days are long right now. Arguments are easy to come by. People are angry. And it's exhausting. No one is happy. Not shocking. An unknown entity has infiltrated our lives with vigor and is unrelenting in its ferocity and effects. It has infected hundreds of thousands across the globe. It's killing people who appeared to stand the best chance at fighting it. Guess what, though?  I'm not talking about Covid-19. I'm talking about personal opinions. Oh, the news is full of opinions.  And, the "professional" social media people sure have their opinion, too.   Try as I might, almost every time I've shared my opinion, even qualifying it as such, I get bombarded with reasons as to why my opinion is wrong. Having an opinion isn't wrong. It's normal. It's what free-thinking humans are gifted with: a brain that gathers information and formulates it into something they believe. What is wrong with opinions is how you wield them. Republican or...

Make the Days Count

A new month.  Same virus wrecking havoc in our world.   Tired of it yet?  I am more tired of how people are treating people.  It's amazing to me how a world-wide pandemic has divided the people more rather than unite us in one common effort: preserving human lives. But that is not what I am focusing on today. I had a pep talk with myself about a week and a half ago.  I had fallen on the slippery slope of just not caring.  I have had three day weekends since April.  At first, I was kinda depressed, yet still focused on cleaning like a crazy person.  After that I found myself one entire weekend on the couch with Netflix and movies.  Then I tried to force myself into crafting of which I accomplished a little.  But then, I hit a wall.   I was tired.  I was frustrated.  I was sad.  I was antsy. So me, myself and I called a board meeting. We took into consideration the state of the world.  We look...