When hashtags became a "thing", I balked at it. A lot. I HATED them. I couldn't understand why everyone was using them and using them ALL THE TIME. So annoying.
Then, I began to understand what their true purpose was. Then I started using them here and there. And, now, I must admit, they can be fun. :)
I see #winning used a lot on people's posts or in the media. Whether it is a relationship, a new strategy that is working for them, or a game of sorts, it's everywhere. And, let's face it, everyone likes to win. I once played on a softball team in high school that only won one game - due to forfeit. It was a long season. It's not fun to lose all 4 games when we're bowling, especially when I've personally had a good night. I'll even admit to crying on my couch the night the Yankees lost Game 7 of the World Series to the Diamond Backs on Luis Gonzalez's single to center field in the bottom of the 9th inning. What a heartbreaker! We don't like to lose. It's not how we were built.
I read Luke 21 this week and have been mulling over one verse in my head since then. Verse 19 says, "Stand firm, and you will win life."
Wow. I suggest reading the rest of the chapter, too, but that verse just won't budge from my mind. If I stand firm in this crazy world, cling to the Lord, live life the best I possibly understand I can, I will win life. Eternal life. THAT is #winning. That is the very definition of it.
Discouragement sets in in long drawn out matches. Anger creeps up when it seems we've lost yet another battle. Sadness causes us to sit dejected on the sidelines watching the other team celebrate their victory over us. Yep, losing stinks.
But, those circumstances, those people on the other side, they don't know the secret you have deep within you. YOU WILL WIN LIFE. You win. I win. And WE get to see our Savior's face upon winning. All we have to do is keep fighting. Keep working. Keep moving. That's #winning, my friend.
Then, I began to understand what their true purpose was. Then I started using them here and there. And, now, I must admit, they can be fun. :)
I see #winning used a lot on people's posts or in the media. Whether it is a relationship, a new strategy that is working for them, or a game of sorts, it's everywhere. And, let's face it, everyone likes to win. I once played on a softball team in high school that only won one game - due to forfeit. It was a long season. It's not fun to lose all 4 games when we're bowling, especially when I've personally had a good night. I'll even admit to crying on my couch the night the Yankees lost Game 7 of the World Series to the Diamond Backs on Luis Gonzalez's single to center field in the bottom of the 9th inning. What a heartbreaker! We don't like to lose. It's not how we were built.
I read Luke 21 this week and have been mulling over one verse in my head since then. Verse 19 says, "Stand firm, and you will win life."
Wow. I suggest reading the rest of the chapter, too, but that verse just won't budge from my mind. If I stand firm in this crazy world, cling to the Lord, live life the best I possibly understand I can, I will win life. Eternal life. THAT is #winning. That is the very definition of it.
Discouragement sets in in long drawn out matches. Anger creeps up when it seems we've lost yet another battle. Sadness causes us to sit dejected on the sidelines watching the other team celebrate their victory over us. Yep, losing stinks.
But, those circumstances, those people on the other side, they don't know the secret you have deep within you. YOU WILL WIN LIFE. You win. I win. And WE get to see our Savior's face upon winning. All we have to do is keep fighting. Keep working. Keep moving. That's #winning, my friend.
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