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What are you dreaming about?

Today is Martin Luther King, Jr., Day and by the end of the day we probably will all have heard about it.  I've already had two emails about it, wanting me to spend my money at their big sale for MLK.  Pretty sure that isn't what he had in mind when he started dreaming! 😊  The kids are off, the courthouse is closed and even at church we talked briefly about Dr. King's message to our country.

Dr. King's dream was freedom.  He dreamed big.  He hoped beyond what he could see.  He prayed even when it seemed useless.  He didn't quit.

And here we are many years later still celebrating him.

But what about you?  Me?  What are we dreaming about?

My dreams aren't quite as lofty as Dr. King's.  

I have not felt the call of God to preach to the entire country like he did or as Billy Graham did.

I have not felt the push to go to medical school and cure anything.  Sheesh, first I'd have to figure out how to NOT pass out every time I saw blood!

I have not even felt the need to finish college and get a degree like millions have.  Nope, one year of college was good enough for me!

But even at 43, I still have dreams.  I still need to dream.  And I still need to work towards seeing some of those dreams realized.  It's easy to daydream, let thoughts float through your head about how great this or that would be.  It's tougher to put work behind those dreams and help them come to life.

Even the word dream has several different meanings, two being: a cherished aspiration, ambition or ideal OR an unrealistic or self-deluding fantasy.  Great.  Now what?!

Figure it out, that's what. Put to flight some of those dreams that are gonna take some work.  Put to bed some of those that are clearly fantasy.  But, do something.

I've been kicking myself a little recently about some things that I've wanted to do, see done, try to do, haven't get the picture.  I've been frustrated, worried I haven't done what I should have for the Lord in some things.  I've been frustrated with my lack of progress on other things.  And then I've even wondered if it was worth dreaming sometimes when life seems to keep going in other directions anyway.

Wonder what would have happened if Dr. King had let those thoughts guide him...

Today, I'm putting my dreams down on paper.  Today, I'm letting myself feel free to dream fantasy dreams.  Today, I'm giving myself a pass for letting some of my dreams go by without trying.

But today, I'm dreaming.  


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