I am not a fan of Valentine's Day. Doesn't take a degree in Rocket Science to understand why. Sheesh, the neighbor's dog probably understands why. I've never had a Valentine. I've received Valentine's because the class was forced to bring one for everyone. I've received sweet cards from my family. Probably even have received a few from some of my friends. But celebration of the actual day on February 14th? Nope. Never gotten the opportunity to celebrate it as one half of a couple. No worries. This isn't a post complaining about my sorry lot in life and, trust me, there are not any tiny little violins playing a sad song for me right now. I don't need "my other half". I'm already whole. God took care of that. But, yeah, I DO hope to one day be the other half of a couple in someone's life. I would love to "do life with" as so many say. I pray for a marriage based upon biblical principles, a husband wh...
Ever feel like no one is listening? I'm right there with ya! So here I am writing down those thoughts that sometimes go unheard. Let me know your thoughts! I'm a great listener!