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Ah, Valentine's Day...

I am not a fan of Valentine's Day.  Doesn't take a degree in Rocket Science to understand why.  Sheesh, the neighbor's dog probably understands why.  I've never had a Valentine.  I've received Valentine's because the class was forced to bring one for everyone.  I've received sweet cards from my family.  Probably even have received a few from some of my friends.

But celebration of the actual day on February 14th?  Nope.  Never gotten the opportunity to celebrate it as one half of a couple.  No worries.  This isn't a post complaining about my sorry lot in life and, trust me, there are not any tiny little violins playing a sad song for me right now.

I don't need "my other half".  I'm already whole.  God took care of that.

But, yeah, I DO hope to one day be the other half of a couple in someone's life.  I would love to "do life with" as so many say.  I pray for a marriage based upon biblical principles, a husband who can lead us as he follows Christ.

Years ago when I was in my 20's, the majority of my friends got married to their "best friends".  That hurt.  We had always called each other our best friends and all of a sudden I was replaced.  It didn't make sense and it took me a long time to reconcile those feelings.  I'm sure I never even said anything to those friends.  They didn't mean to hurt me.  They were in love.  That was an emotion in that specific way that I had never and still have never experienced.  We weren't on the same pages anymore.

Nope, don't worry...still not tiny violins playing a sad song for me...

I still struggle with the feelings of loneliness and days like today don't help with that.  I recently described singleness to someone by telling them that it kinda feels like being put at the kiddie table for the holidays.  You're not a couple so...maybe you should sit over there.  Add to the fact that I don't have children and now I don't fit in with those couples either, so...  And, you're over 40, but not over 50 so we can't put you with the young adults or the older adults or the seniors, so...

Getting how singleness can be awkward?   Lonely?  Sometimes depressing?

Nope, don't start playing the sad movie music for me.

Today, I celebrate the fact that I have life.  I celebrate the fact that I am loved by an amazing family, the sweetest nephews around and dear friends.  I celebrate the love of the most gracious Lord, one who gave me life, who gave His life for me and who loves me fiercely.  

Today, if you're celebrating this day as one half of a couple, don't forget your single friends.  And, for the love of ALL things, do NOT tell them that "their time is coming", "there is someone out there for you, too", "marriage isn't all it's cracked up to be", "boy I wish I was still single", "you're not missing anything", "you've got time", or anything like that!  Yes, I've been told ALL of these things!

I don't crush your dreams.  Stay off of mine!

Tell your single friends they are loved today.  Simple as that.  We need that reminder, too.

Happy Valentine's Day! 💕


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