It all came crashing down on me last Thursday and I couldn't take it another day. So, I decided that on Friday I was running away.
But, like a young child threatening to do the same, I didn't execute it very well to start. I told my family. :)
My sister reminded me that the first rule in running away was not telling anyone. Yeah, well I don't follow rules very well anyway!
Second, I fretted about where to go into the wee hours of the night! Spontaneity is NOT my strong suit! I'm terrible at it! I need a plan, a list and a destination! By the time I was in the lobby of the oil change place on Friday, I finally decided on a place to go.
Of course, had I listened to the oil change people, I would have gone straight home because there were apparently a lot of things wrong with my truck, but instead because I knew how badly I needed to get away, I prayed for the Lord's protection and/or His mercy for the duration of the trip. Next stop was the gas station where I happened to know the attendant so technically someone DID know where I was heading (See? I'm bad at this!) and I was off!
I settled on Johnson Creek, Wisconsin, because I'd heard about their outlet mall. (Full disclosure, I wasn't impressed with it.) It took me more than half of the drive before I felt my shoulders loosening and I could turn off Spotify on my phone. Finally I was able to talk to the Lord for a few moments. I didn't have to say much. I knew He knew everything in my jumbled heart already.
I wandered through three stores and decided I'd had enough. This wasn't helping me. And, yes, if you know me, shopping is a de-stressor for me. :) I love wandering through stores, but I probably should have just headed to a Super Target if that was my end goal! So, since that wasn't happening, I googled parks near me and settled on Tivoli Park in nearby Watertown.
And that is where I spent the best, most peaceful hour in longer than I can recall. Yep, I drove an hour and a half for a peaceful hour. And I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I watched several momma ducks floating with their babies, one momma likely having a lover's spat with the daddy duck (she chased him all around for several minutes!) and I watched birds with no cares in the world fly by. I listened to water run in the lake, cars pass on the road and trees sway and I found the peace I'd been missing.
I even pulled out my laptop and started writing a new book! The writing didn't last long because it was pretty chilly and I started shivering, but I was ecstatic to finally break out of the writer's block I've had.
The ride home was even wonderful minus the craziness of the construction in Janesville. That place is a mess! But, I was headed home to spend some time with my nephews and I was excited for that, too.
When they were younger we used to spend Friday nights together going out to do fun activities and eating out. Now that they're older, they're schedules aren't as open ;), but this week it happened to be open for both so we went to the arcade at Don Carter. There we had a blast: them playing, me watching and laughing at their antics. I had no cares, but to invest in them and it was wonderful.
I won't pretend that I woke up Saturday without the stresses of Thursday. All of them are still there. But I took time to invest in me and then invested in two boys that mean the world to me. I needed that more than I realized. And I think God needed that time with me and I know I needed it with Him.
Friends, this might sound weird, but I'd encourage you each to run away. Maybe you run for a day like me or you just escape for an hour to sip a drink at Starbucks, but run, my friends, run!
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."
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