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Bummer of a Day.....

I'm having one of those days where I feel like everyone's elses prayers are being answered, except for mine.  Ever have those days?  Yep, it's one of the woe-is-me moments that I'm not necessarily proud of, but am resigned to having every now and then.  I have actually witnessed many answers to prayers recently of people that I have been praying for....but, as for those people closest to me and me, myself....not seeing much.

Put down the phone.  No need to call me and tell me that this is normal or that I'm being silly or that God loves me and hasn't forgotten me or that it's just Satan rearing his ugly head.  I know all of those things.  I'm just tired and weary today.  That's all.

I am taking solice, though, in Psalms 147 on this bummer of a day.  (I'm posting it below if you could use a little comfort, too.)

One of the verses that stands out to me is vs. 13, "He strengthens the bars of your gates and blesses the people within you."

I had to do a little research to understand that and am glad I did.  This idea comes from the biblical times when they had fortresses they lived in and they would have to strengthen the gates so that the enemy wouldn't be allowed in.  Basically, the verse is saying that God has fortified your heart or your "gates" against all your enemies so that the only way anything, or anyone can come in is by our unlocking the "gates" to your heart!

Deuteronomy 33:25 says, "The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze, and your strength will equal your days."  Another reference to our "gates" and our strength....if we remain strong in the Lord because "...the LORD delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love." (vs. 11)

I love the imagery in this scripture, too.  Look at what the Lord does.  It doesn't just happen.  It is purposeful, just as His love for me is. 

Yeah, I'm still a little bummed today, but I'm too stubborn to throw in the towel. ;)  I'm just going to keep seeking Him until those prayers are answered in whatever fashion He deems best.   And, I'm going to keep praising Him.

Psalm 147

1 Praise the LORD.
How good it is to sing praises to our God,
how pleasant and fitting to praise him!
2 The LORD builds up Jerusalem;
he gathers the exiles of Israel.
3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.
4 He determines the number of the stars
and calls them each by name.
5 Great is our Lord and mighty in power;
his understanding has no limit.
6 The LORD sustains the humble
but casts the wicked to the ground.
7 Sing to the LORD with grateful praise;
make music to our God on the harp.
8 He covers the sky with clouds;
he supplies the earth with rain
and makes grass grow on the hills.
9 He provides food for the cattle
and for the young ravens when they call.
10 His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse,
nor his delight in the legs of the warrior;
11 the LORD delights in those who fear him,
who put their hope in his unfailing love.
12 Extol the LORD, Jerusalem;
praise your God, Zion.
13 He strengthens the bars of your gates
and blesses your people within you.
14 He grants peace to your borders
and satisfies you with the finest of wheat.
15 He sends his command to the earth;
his word runs swiftly.
16 He spreads the snow like wool
and scatters the frost like ashes.
17 He hurls down his hail like pebbles.
Who can withstand his icy blast?
18 He sends his word and melts them;
he stirs up his breezes, and the waters flow.
19 He has revealed his word to Jacob,
his laws and decrees to Israel.
20 He has done this for no other nation;
they do not know his laws.
Praise the LORD.



  1. Awesome Possom! It's great to remember that "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" (It's in the Bible somewhere), and that the Lord is our strength. Love you!


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