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Kids Deserve Better

Being a spectator is hard work!

Anyone else sat through countless ballgames this summer?  Endured ruthless mosquitoes and black gnats?  Wondered what on earth that ump was thinking?  Wished that bleachers were more luxurious?  Wished that the bathrooms weren't so far away?  Wondered how on earth an ice cream cone was worth $3.50?

And the hardest part about being a spectator besides wishing that the 900th inning would end (when in reality it was only the 3rd inning?!) --- OTHER SPECTATORS!

Parents and other family members have caused us more frustration this year than the endless mosquitoes!

Last night my nephew's team lost in the most heartbreaking way possible - by ONE run after coming back to get NINE in that last inning!  Their rally fell short by only that ONE to tie!  It was an amazing inning!  The boys were hitting so well, stealing bases and running well.  They were excited!  And they were exciting to watch - well, when I wasn't struggling to breathe or looking through my clenched fingers!  This is a team that hasn't won a lot, but has gained momentum as the season has been winding down and have really been battling here at the end.

So stinking proud of those boys last night!  Every night, really.

What made the evening so difficult was the families of the other team and a few on our own.  Up until that last inning, they came in winning 20-10!  And they were upset about that!  The coach kept changing pitchers like it was Game 7 of the World Series.  The families consistently yelled at the boys to get it together, work harder, pay attention, act like they cared.  Remember, they were winning 20-10!  That wasn't good enough.  One mom was made at one point when it was 14-2 because we had scored TWO!  Needless to say when we came back and ended up with 19, the parents and coaches were fit to be tied!

As much as my sister and I wanted the boys to finish the rally and come out with the win, my sister leaned over and said that she would be worried about those poor boys and how they would be treated if they did lose.  How sad is that?

Kids deserve better.  They deserve to learn in a caring environment, in an encouraging environment, in an environment that celebrates victory and learns from defeat.  The kids on that team do NOT deserve how they're being treated.  We even have two sets of parents on my nephew's team that treat their child so terribly that it not only angers us, it makes us so deeply sad for those children.

Rather than win at all cost, I wish they'd offer grace and love at all cost.  I'm not a proponent of every child receiving a participant trophy, either.  But I feel it is of utmost importance to show kids how to win and lose with graciousness, how to realize that life isn't going to be greater or worse if you DID win or lose.  What is most important is the growth of that child and the support of that child.  Competition is good.  It fuels us to better ourselves and to learn to work as a team to accomplish a common goal.  Negativity and ruthlessness has NO place on a child's sports field (or an adult one for that matter).

Last night in our house we got to celebrate a 12 year old athlete that was a big part of not only that last inning rally, but a huge part of the whole night.  He played 3rd, he had 4 hits, scored three times, advanced a runner and was exhausted when he got home.  We were proud of him and of his team who showed one of the best teams in the league what it was to watch out for the little guys!  Competition was fierce last night!  And though the scoreboard didn't reflect a "W" in our column, I know in my heart that our boys came out on top last night.

Last night, I also carried a heavy heart for a team of boys that aren't being taught about competition in a way that will benefit them in the future.  I felt terrible for a group of boys who got an earful both during and after the game.  And I pray that families realize that this is just a game, but their child's heart and mind are still so fragile and they need support.


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