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As for me and my family...

 I had an "as for me and my house" moment this week. Ever had one of those?

Of course, I'm not dealing with what Joshua had to deal with way back when those words were first uttered. I have never spied on foreign lands, reported back to Moses, then helped lead the charge in said land. Phew. That sounds like a lot of work! 😂😂

No, I just had a moment this week where it dawned on me that I haven't been taking Covid-19 precautions as I once had. Here is a post I shared on Facebook yesterday explaining a bit more: 

I hate Covid. I know I'm not the only one. I just realized how much I do last night...or maybe I just re-realized (yeah, that's a word cuz I said so!) it last night. I've been lax in my stand against Covid. Yes, I still wear my mask (and if you choose not to, please distance from my family until this is over), I have made it a point not to go inside of people's houses instead meeting friends on their porches, I wash my hands all the time and carry hand sanitizer everywhere I go. But with summer coming, with things opening, I've gotten a little lax. I've hugged a few friends *gasp* maskless. I sat inside a restaurant twice when I had made it clear that we would only dine outside. And I've even let my mind wander into territory wondering if maybe, just maybe, we're being too careful about this whole thing. Then my friend's mom got Covid. 2 ER trips, one 5 day hospital stay and at least 6 weeks later and she is still fighting this illness. And she wasn't even listed in any of the categories that listed her high risk except her age. She was healthy until Covid felled her like the beast it is. Then I spoke to my sister last night and our tears flowed. See, my sister lives with an evil housemate (and, no, it's NOT me!). It's severe anxiety. Its other guests are illnesses she wouldn't wish on anyone else. She shared with me how difficult it is for her to see others acting flippant about this illness because it is such a dangerous thing for her if she were to get it. She could lose her life because of this evil respiratory illness that keeps getting made fun of. I actually saw people posting things about upending mask mandates and going without them today and my heart broke and got angry, all in the same right. People ARE dying. People are unbelievably sick. People are seeing their lives forever altered by this disease that many will fortunately never have to have a serious thought about. I hope that no one else I know gets this or is affected by it. But I know that just isn't going to be the case. As I stated earlier and if you stuck around this long, thank you, I will be shoring up my stand against Covid again. I do ask that if you are not, that you do not spend time with my family or my parents. I don't want to remove you from our lives, but more importantly, I don't want any of the most precious people in MY life to have their lives altered by this illness. And, for the love of all things, ALL THINGS, do NOT call me a sheep. Do NOT tell me I'm being led by the media. Do NOT tell me this will go away in November. DO NOT. I'm tired of trying to validate my feelings and beliefs. My family is no. 1 now and always. #COVID19 #covidsucks #familyfirst #maskup

As I went to bed last night, I got to thinking about Joshua. Again, I'm not as valiant as he, but what he did, what he said in that moment was a beautiful thing. I'll add the verse I'm referring to at the end of this just because I don't want to take it out of context. You do what you need to do, what you feel is right, what you BELIEVE is right. But, as for me and my house, we will take extra precautions against Covid. We will wear masks. We will socially distance. We will not visit others save sitting outdoors. We will be vigilant against this evil disease. You may not agree with my family's choices, but I ask you to respect them. Respect us. I will give you the same respect. 

Joshua took a bold stand. I choose to also take a bold stand for the sake of my family. His was for the spiritual health of his family. Mine is for the physical health of my family. 

"But if serving the LORD seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."


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